Showing 26 - 50 of 1,456 Results
Greater Britain: A Record Of Travel In English-Speaking Countries During 1866-67 (1869) by Dilke, Charles Wentworth ISBN: 9781164470663 List Price: $53.56
Beginning and Way of Life by Littlefield, Charles Wentworth ISBN: 9781169368248 List Price: $51.96
Old English Plays V6: Being A Selection From The Early Dramatic Writers (1815) by Dilke, Charles Wentworth ISBN: 9781166382490 List Price: $42.36
Old English plays; being a selection from the early dramatic writers. [Edited by Charles Wen... by Charles Wentworth Dilke, Ro... ISBN: 9781241336264 List Price: $35.75
Old English plays; being a selection from the early dramatic writers. Edited by Charles Went... by Charles Wentworth Dilke, Ro... ISBN: 9781241411497 List Price: $36.75
Old English plays; being a selection from the early dramatic writers. [Edited by Charles Wen... by Charles Wentworth Dilke, Ro... ISBN: 9781241438623 List Price: $34.75
Supplemental Volume to the Works of Alexander Pope, containing a considerable addition to hi... by Alexander Pope, Charles Wen... ISBN: 9781241202040 List Price: $26.75
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Eastern journeys: some notes of travel in Russia, i... by Charles Anderson) Dana ISBN: 9781241065171 List Price: $22.75
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Japanese wrecks, stranded and picked up adrift in t... by Brooks Charles Wolcott ISBN: 9781241055301 List Price: $15.75
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